Educational background

My passion in life is to help others live more successful lives.

This simple drive motivated me to further my studies and acquire a Master’s in Psychology from University of Liverpool. Guided by a clear mission and purpose, I developed deep interest in evidence-based coaching that now underpin my coaching approach.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management from European Academy of Business in Madrid and currently hold an executive leadership position at Siemens as Head of Sales. A commercially focused leadership role allows me to have a deeper insight into coaching opportunities and challenges in my sessions.

I work with both individuals and organizations on leadership and professional coaching, helping individuals navigate their professional careers with elevated degree of awareness and gratification.

Coaching sessions can be in-person in Zurich or virtual.

Volunteering: Grow-to-Glow

I am currently working at Grow-to-Glow as a non-profit coach. This Siemens sponsored initiative is designed to help women get the best out of themselves so that they can climb their career ladder without worries. The program is helping women make the transition to gender parity, diversity and inclusion.

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